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Mixed Berry Pie

This is the other pie I baked when I baked the Apple Cherry Pie and it was a hit. All my friends devoured this pie in minutes. While there were still a few slices of the Apple Cherry left, this pie was completely demolished. Berries are just so delicious and make the perfect pies. While I'm calling this a mixed berry pie I think there needs to be a larger variety of berries. Next time I'm going to add strawberries, cranberries, and any other berries I can find. Then it will truly be a mixed berry pie.

Mixed Berry

Blackberries, Raspberries, and Blueberries. Best Friends Forever.

Mixed Berry

What a beautiful medley.

Mixed Berry

Mix your fruit with your dry ingredients and lemon juice. I've given up on trying to keep raspberries from smashing unless they're frozen. Prebake your oven to 400°F.

Mixed Berry

Empty your fruit filling into your pie shell.

Mixed Berry

Lay down your lattice crust.

Mixed Berry

Pinch and crimp the edges together. Place in the oven and bake for an hour. Reduce the temperature to 375°F for the last 15-20 minutes.

Mixed Berry

It's a messy pie, but somebody has got to eat it.

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